Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Which team has had the best of the NFL draft so far?

I think the Chiefs have struck gold so far.

1st round(5th pick) - Glenn Dorsey DT

1st round(15th pick) - Branden Albert OT

2nd round (35 Pick) - Brandon Flowers CB

They have began to fill the biggest holes on their team. Dorsey will replace Allen, Albert will replace Will Sheilds and Flowers will replace Ty Law. As a chiefs fan i couldnt be any happier right now. and we still have another 2 picks left in the third round (1 lost in the trade up with detroit from 17th to 15th). also they have another handful of picks in the 4-7th rounds.

Which team has had the best of the NFL draft so far?
it has to be the chiefs theyve filled all their holes with dorsey albert and flowers but the most improved team will be the jets from 4-12 i think next year they have a shot at finishing 11-5 they have a very soft schedule after having the 4th hardest in the nfl last year and ther defense is officially SCARY now look at ther front 7 ellis jenkins coleman harris gholston pace and either barton or thomas thats easily one of the 5 best front 7s in the nfl
Reply:The Falcons.

They got the best QB in the draft as well as one of the top 3 linebackers in the draft, Curtis Lofton. The Falcons are using their picks wisely, which is making me think that they might just have a succesful season this year or next.
Reply:The Chiefs by far.

The worst - the Lions.

ADDED: After day 2 the Lions came out looking a lot better than day 1 alone made it looked like they would. Not close to the best but at least far from the worst. As far as the #1 Overall Draft the Chiefs still got it.
Reply:So far the Cleveland Browns are ahead of the game with the trades they made.
Reply:We got Mendenhall and Limas Sweed. Now if we can just get an offensive lineman, we will finish well.

shoe lasts components

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