Sunday, November 15, 2009

Do they sell antlers for bicycles?

Like the one's Brandon Flowers's bike has on The Killers video for "Read My Mind".

Do they sell antlers for bicycles?
I'm pretty sure you can't by them as a massed produced item, but if you can find a set of antlers you like, you can have them trimmed and shimmed to fit in a standard stem. I found this link.
Reply:I haven't seen the video, but you can pick up antlers in the woods. The deer rub them off every fall.
Reply:umm you might be able to find some at a sporting store, but you would have to apply them yourself...
Reply:I can't think of any distributors that sell antlers specifically for bikes.
Reply:I haven't seen the video, but do search for Calfee Designs cowhorn bike. This guy builds bikes out of bamboo and stuff.


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